Hamilton county clerk of courts tennessee. Phone: (513) 946-5693.
Hamilton county clerk of courts tennessee Answer: On the fifth floor of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Contact Information. doc Form 225E. Its county seat is Chattanooga, located along the Tennessee River. The Courthouse is located between 6th & 7th Streets and Walnut and Georgia Avenue. These are listed alphabetically by service category. Effective January 1, 2024 New Form: Joint Discovery Plan - Word Tmp / PDF New 10/9/2023 DECREE PROCESS CHECKLISTS: The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. Civil cases include: landlord tenant disputes, personal injury, contract disputes, small claims, evictions, rent Save time at the clerk's office by entering the information yourself ahead of time. A. Courts. hamilton Example: ABC1234 OH View Unpaid Tickets Only NOTE: The information provided above reflects the current records in the Clerk of Courts database. If the petition , decree and associated documents are e-filed through the Clerk of Courts website, rejected decree documents should be resubmitted through the e The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. A probate clerk, or probate clerk of court, is an official of the courthouse who is professionally trained to serve the public on 1. Criminal Court (Hours: 8:00 A. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Tennessee courts. County News. Steps to be able to begin filing electronically: 1. Passport renewal forms are available at Hamilton County Court House, 207 NE First Street, Room 106 For a criminal case, a bond can be posted with the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts at the Hamilton County Justice Center, Rm. Watch video tutorial links above. Clerk Address: 6135 Heritage Park Dr. W. Committee Members: Ted Crozier-Chair Rebecca N. License Search Look up licenses by Name, date, or officiant. The county was formed in October 25, 1819 and named after Alexander Hamilton. 625 Georgia Ave, Room 400 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Contact. CINCINNATI, OH 45202. TN registration renewal. Hamilton County Clerk 102 Centro Street, Chattanooga, TN. The office of the Clerk of Courts located on the 1st Floor of the Hamilton County Justice Center, 1000 Sycamore St, Room 112. Hamilton County Tennessee Court Directory. If an individual has his principal place of business in any county in the state of Tennessee, he shall be eligible for election as a All TN County Clerks: Email the County Clerk: Archived Minutes Books: Boating/Hunting/Fishing: Business Licenses: Commission Minutes & Audio Hamilton County Clerk c/o Marriage License Records 625 Georgia Avenue, Room 201 Chattanooga, Tn 37402. , Monday-Friday. Common Pleas Court; Municipal Court; Court of Appeals; Domestic Relations Court; Juvenile Court; Probate Court; Jury Service; Service By Posting; Historical Records; Pay Online. 20- cpis a 2102494 hamilton county land re sylvia tarter trustee o deps 10/25/2022 11,654. The Hamilton County Clerk of Court directory assistance facilitates finding the local court office, the Clerk of Court name and other vital contact information. Hamilton County Sessions Court - Civil Division Hamilton County Courthouse 625 Georgia Avenue, Room 500, Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone: 423-209-7630 Fax: 423-209-7631 Ohio Law requires the Hamilton County Probate Court to post a list of cases in which money has been paid and remained in the hands of the Court for one year since the next preceding first Monday of January. The information contained in these files is current and is updated on a daily basis. To process your renewal online, you will need the following: Credit/Debit Card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover) The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. Hamilton County Press conferences Public Notice of Commission Meetings County Mayor Weston Wamp Assessor of Property Marty Haynes County Clerk HAMILTON COUNTY TENNESSEE REGISTER OF DEEDS Address. Email: juryresponse@cms. The Deputy Clerks are responsible for accepting, handling, managing, and retaining all legal documents filed through the Municipal Court, the Court The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. From the Probate Court's website, you can search for all probate cases (with the exception of Marriage License and Mental Health). Traffic Ticket Search – These are tickets issued for moving traffic violations in Hamilton County. Bill Hullander - Hamilton County Trustee: 210 Courthouse @ 625 Georgia Ave. · Appeals to Circuit Court– You must deliver a check to the Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office in the amount of $209. Learn how to efile in various courts in Hamilton County, Tennessee, including Appellate, Common Pleas, Domestic Relations and Municipal Civil. 50 made out to the Hamilton County Circuit Court. Hamilton County is located in the state of Tennessee. gov The Clerk handles all documents relating to lawsuits (such as petitions, summons, warrants, subpoenas). ORDERS AND COSTS SELF-REPRESENTED PERSONS – Guidelines for TN Court Clerks Who Assist Self-represented Persons Form 223A. Henry, Hamilton County Circuit Court Clerk 500 Courthouse 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone: 423-209-6700 Fax: 423-209-6701 Hours: Monday – Friday (8 TN registration renewal Motor Vehicles Welcome to the new TNCountyClerk. Court Costs / Tickets CIRCUIT COURT FILING FEES (Effective July 1, 2016) **Herald Publication Fee Effective April 1, 2019** Divorce with service by Hamilton County Sheriff $ 226. state of Tennessee. 112, 24 hours a Day, 7 days a week. Reports Print listings of licenses by issue date. Top. Clerk Address: 6135 Heritage The Hamilton County Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office is typically the first stop for visitors to Juvenile Court. petit jurors who are to begin their jury serivce on monday, febuary 24, 2025 in group(s) 242, 243, 244, and 245 must report to the jury commission office located in room 455 of the hamilton county courthouse on monday by 8:30 am. If you believe a case file or particular document exists but is not available online, please visit the Clerk’s Office or submit an online request for a copy of the ** NOTICE ** Please be aware that searches performed on this web site are by name only. Phone: 513-946-5880 Fax: 513-946-5885 **Now accepting jury summons responses and excuse/postponement requests by email. Phone Number: 423-209-6600 and FAX Number: 423-209-6601 The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. County Clerk Mail & Internet Services PO Box 24868 Chattanooga, TN 37422 423-209-6525 Fax: 423-209-7936 Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm EST except This online tag renewal is intended for current Hamilton County Residents only. We’re a forward-thinking organization committed to innovation, inclusivity, and community impact. Background checks are only available in person at the Justice Center - Room 100. Explanation of Welcome to County Clerk Anytime, our 24-hour virtual branch office. for review in both the Clerk & Master’s office and the Circuit Court Clerk’s office. ORDERS AND COSTS Administrative Office of the Courts 511 Union Street, Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37219 © 2025 Tennessee Courts System Mission: To serve as a trusted resource to assist NOTICE: Effective June 1, 2023 the Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court requires a decree and associated documents be submitted at the time of filing a new petition for dissolution. , Bonny Oaks, Chattanooga, TN 37416. [4] The county was named for Alexander Toggle All Common Pleas Civil Common Pleas Criminal Municipal Civil Municipal Criminal/Traffic Domestic Relations Court of Appeals. Pleadings may also be filed via E-Filing. Address: 300 Courthouse 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37402. HAMILTON COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER . Question: What is the mailing address: Answer: Circuit Court Clerk 500 Hamilton County Courthouse 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga,Tennessee 37402-1911 Logistics The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. The Tennessee trial court system consists of Circuit Courts, Chancery Courts, Criminal Courts, General Sessions Courts, Juvenile Courts, Probate Courts, and Municipal Courts. com Offering online payment and information lookup for your county clerk Business Information System (BIS), are a private (for profit) business that operates under contract with your local county government to provide various software solutions including, but not The attached is a list of funds, which are being held by the Hamilton County Probate Court. Hamilton Clerk of Court: Hamilton County Clerk of Court. Hamilton County Criminal Courts handle every type of state criminal offense, from misdemeanors to major felonies. Tennessee Case Finder is the Public Inquiry System for the Offices of the Circuit Court Clerk which provides convenient 24/7 access to cases filed in the Circuit and General Sessions-Civil Courts. Additional questions concerning bonds are answered on the FAQ page of this website. For docketing information, click here. All TN County Clerks: Email the County Clerk: only our downtown courthouse location (625 Georgia Ave. Grand Jury and Circuit Jury Information and Schedules. There are three departments or divisions of Criminal Court Clerk’s The Circuit Court Clerk’s office handles non-criminal lawsuits among individuals and/or corporations in Hamilton County, TN. (T. Efforts to mine large quantities of data from this source will be detected and stopped. Bond refund checks are only issued Monday – Friday, 8:00AM – 3:30PM, excluding county holidays, at the Clerk of Courts Office located on the 3rd Floor of the Hamilton County Courthouse, Room 315. Hours. gov. Greg Godwin Clerk of Circuit Court & Comptroller Hamilton County, Florida 207 NE First Street, Room 106 Jasper Florida 32052 The 2012 Probate Guide is provided by the Probate Committee of the Tennessee Clerks of Court Conference. Find information and data on lawsuits, taxes, payments, and jurors in Hamilton County Circuit Court. Email Me About the Clerk; About the Clerk’s Office; News; Community Outreach; Our Locations & Hours; Employment Opportunities; Hamilton County Courts. Except for these holidays) Address: 102 Courts Building, 600 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402. 50 Divorce with Service by our Sheriff of Summons & (See Next Page for Clerk’s Fee for Civil and Miscellaneous Charges Pursuant to TCA 8-21-401) Hamilton County Courthouse 500 Courthouse, 625 Georgia Avenue Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone: 423-209-6700 Fax: 423-209-6701. The following are forms, applications or services are viewable online. The attached is 4. Except for these holidays). The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. Phone Number: 423-209-7500 and FAX number: 423-209-7501. Hamilton County, TN Juvenile Court Local Rules and e-Filing Local Rules. Payments should be mailed to the following address: HAMILTON COUNTY CLERK OF COURTS. The Deputy Clerks are responsible for accepting, handling, managing, and retaining all legal documents filed through the Municipal Court, the Court TenneseeCaseFinder. Skip to main content Social Media. Include local check payable to the Hamilton County Clerk drawn on Website | Directions. to 4:00 P. Gather info about documents needed when visiting The duties of the Criminal Court Clerk are numerous and varied but basically break down to the keeper of the records for the Criminal Courts of Hamilton County. Contact Larry Henry, the Clerk of both Circuit Court and Sessions Civil Court, by phone, email, or address. , Room 201) processes REAL IDs Simply send all copies of the State preprinted form or your current tag receipt with your correct address, to Bill Knowles, County Clerk, PO Box 24868, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37422-4868. Court Costs / Tickets The Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Auto Title Division is an authorized U. About; Council of Juvenile Court Judges. Sessions Courts in Hamilton County. Court is held at Hamilton County - Chattanooga Courts Building, 600 Market Steet. It is not intended as a source of information for those seeking copies of large quantities of records or a source for bulk downloads of data. (General duties outlined in TCA 18-1-101). Larry L. TNTAP - Tennessee Taxpayer Access Point (PDF Format) Transient Vendor's License: County Commission Know who and how to contact your Chattanooga, Tennessee Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Chattanooga Clerk of Court Hamilton County Clerk of Court. Please include your mailing address and which form you need. Department of State (DOS) Passport Acceptance Agent. You can make payment, contact the office, or find more information on their website. Contact Us 1000 Main St. Divorce decrees/Dissolutions from 1885-current year may be obtained in the Document Center located at the Hamilton County Courthouse, 1000 Main Street , Room 315. You may also request forms to be sent via US Post Office mail by: Calling (423) 209-6500, Faxing a request to (423) 209-6501, or Emailing a request form to the County Clerk. 97. Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 513-946-5800 (Common Pleas) 513-946-5200 (Municipal) 513-946-5699 (Clerk of Courts) Member - Domestic Relations Committee of the TJC Member - TJC Legislative Committee Vice Chair - TJC Technology in the Courts Committee Chair - TJC Jury Instructions/Civil Committee a 2102482 hamilton county land re earnest l benson deps 09/12/2022 26,708. Before a marriage can occur in Tennessee, a license must be obtained from a county clerk. C. 1000 SYCAMORE STREET, ROOM 112. Helpful information about the probate division of the Hamilton County Probate Clerk located in Hamilton County, TN. Hamilton County is a county located in the U. Users found to be in violation The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. The Deputy Clerks are responsible for accepting, handling, managing, and retaining all legal documents filed through the Municipal Court, the Court Administrative Office of the Courts 511 Union Street, Suite 600 Nashville, TN 37219 © 2025 Tennessee Courts System Mission: To serve as a trusted resource to assist Business Court; Clerks; Court Forms; Three-Judge Panels; Local Rules of Practice; Presiding Judges List; General Sessions Courts . Official Hamilton County Government Information. *Bonds may be posted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at the 24-hour office of the Clerk of Courts. M. This page offers links to official databases and offices for obtaining copies of divorce records, searching the divorce Effective 1 September 2018, the Chancery and Circuit Courts of the Eleventh Judicial District (Hamilton County, Tennessee) abrogate all existing local rules of practice and adopt these rules. Other tickets or citations may be open but not yet entered in the database by Cincinnati Police Records or others; at any point in time the above listings may not be comprehensive. It is the central clearinghouse where all Court documents, including complaints and motions on new and existing cases, are held. As of the 2020 census, the population was 366,207, [3] making it the fourth-most populous county in Tennessee. Find your local Clerk of Court to process and access public records for all court-related cases. Fax: (423) 209-7301. Phone: (513) 946-5693. Soddy-Daisy Clerk 9835 Dayton Pike, Soddy-Daisy, TN If you cannot establish an E-filing account, you may mail or drop off the required documents to the Hamilton County Domestic Relations Court, Attn: Docket Office, Room 3-46, 800 Broadway, Cincinnati, OH 45202. PROBATE – Disposal of Bodily Remains P. Parikh, is the official record keeper and agent of Hamilton County's Adult Justice The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. 625 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37402. [Adopted effective September 1, 2018. Information about the five courts in Hamilton County, Tennessee: Chancery Court, Sessions Hamilton County Clerk 625 Georgia Avenue, Chattanooga, TN Hamilton County Courthouse offers boat registration services, requiring a bill of sale and existing state boat registration, with applicable sales tax. For employment opportunities elsewhere in Tennessee state government, click here. Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone: (423) 209-7270 Fax: (423) 209-7271 If you need faster processing please visit the Hamilton County Clerk’s Office at either the Courthouse or the Bonny Oaks branch. doc Form 226P. Some forms may be filled out online, and some you may have to print out and mail in. The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. The Deputy Clerks are responsible for accepting, handling, managing, and retaining all legal documents filed through the Municipal Court, the Court Most of the appellate courts and the local and county courts act separately to hire individuals needed to maintain their operations. By Mail - You may pay your fines and costs with a check or money order made out to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts. Phone: (423) 209-6560. Apply for a county business license. Hamilton County Services & Forms. Hamilton County Court System is divided into five courts: Chancery Court, Sessions Court (Criminal and Civil), Criminal Court, Circuit Court, and Juvenile Court. The Court processes over 20,000 filings every year for delinquency, dependency, custody, child support About Hamilton Circuit Court. For questions or to obtain additional bond information please contact the Clerk of Courts Municipal Criminal/Traffic Division at (513) 946-6040 TenneseeCaseFinder. Bonds with Electronic Monitoring You can search court cases by name, number, or by other party name, or search for tickets from the Clerk of Courts website. Select Option (Parcel ID or Street Address) to Search by: Parcel ID Enter Parcel ID: Add leading zeros if less then 13 digits Example: 5000263005590, 0553498714031 Hamilton County, TN Government Services, Court Information and Data. 301 Small Claims are filed at the Clerk of Courts office located in the Hamilton County Courthouse 1000 Main St. S. The Hamilton County Circuit Clerk's office, led by Clerk Bill Knowles, is a part of the Hamilton County Court System. Executive Committee; Judicial Officials; Juvenile Clerks; Juvenile Court Personnel; Rules of Juvenile Practice Pursuant to Rule 45(C) of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio, a clerk of court is not required to offer remote access to a particular case file or case document. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 7 AM - 3 PM. If you wish to seek employment with a specific court or court office, please contact that court directly. Additionally, our passport photo service turns the Clerk of Courts into a One-Stop-Passport-Shop! Business Court; Clerks; Court Forms; Three-Judge Panels; Local Rules of Practice; Presiding Judges List; General Sessions Courts . Alternatively, Divorce decrees/Dissolutions from 1994-current year may be obtained from the Domestic Relations Copy Desk located at 800 Broadway, Room 347. Traffic Ticket Payout Amounts – These are the payout amounts for a moving violation in Hamilton County. Bartlett Kenneth Todd if the deceased had fixed residences in more than one county in Tennessee, then either county’s court exercising probate jurisdiction has jurisdiction. 2. Phone: (423) 209-7300 . The office of the Juvenile Court Clerk services as a hub for processing Hamilton County, Tennessee Overview. Phone: (423) 209-6615. Chancery Court (Hours: 8:00 A. Site Search. The Deputy Clerks are responsible for accepting, handling, managing, and retaining all legal documents filed through the Municipal Court, the Court About Juvenile Court Clerk. The forms needed for each case will have to be decided upon by the party submitting them. 88- cpis a 2102494 hamilton county land re sylvia tarter trustee o deps 08/10/2022 4,722. Executive Committee; Judicial Officials; Juvenile Clerks; Juvenile Court Personnel; Rules of Juvenile Practice The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. It is located in the southern part of East Tennessee on the border with Georgia. For more information on where to post your bond, call (513) 946-6010. The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Note: MARRIAGE RECORDS EXIST FROM 1857 THROUGH 8/3/2021 ON THIS SITE. Payees can contact the Probate cashier before Wednesday February 19, 2025 to claim the funds. You can search the Public Case History database using one of four items: (1) the Case Number of the appeal, (2) the Case Style, (3) the first or last name of a party to an appeal; or (4) an organization. He also manages the collection, receipt, and accounting of all litigation taxes, child support payments, court costs, and other fines. Ministers of the gospel, rabbis, Christian About the Clerk; About the Clerk’s Office; News; Community Outreach; Our Locations & Hours; Employment Opportunities; Hamilton County Courts. 115, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. Pre-apply for your marriage license. The Hamilton County Clerk of Court website is intended for use by the general public. Tennessee Probate Clerk. The Clerk’s office is open 8:00 a. Marriage License Pre-Application Online Address: Hamilton County Forensic Center, 3202 Amnicola Highway Chattanooga, TN 37406 Phone: 423-209-5700, Fax: 423-493-5176 Email Julie Cain - JCain@hamiltontn. Sign up for E-Filing, access user guides, The Office of the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, under the leadership of Hamilton County Clerk, Pavan V. Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Holidays. Planning to Travel Outside of the United States? New Birth Certificate Requirements beginning April 1, 2011. ] RULE 5. The Hamilton County Office of the Juvenile Court Clerk is open Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm and located at 1600 East Third Street, Chattanooga, TN. Please contact the County Clerk's office at (423) 209-6500 for later licenses. doc. Fax: (423) 209-6561. 31- cpis Regretfully, at this time the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts office has suspended marriage ceremonies and passport applications. 99. Divorce Records in Hamilton County (Tennessee) Find essential resources to access divorce records in Hamilton County, TN. If you’re passionate about making a difference, you’ve come to the right place. Notify the Hamilton County Trustee’s office at 423-209-7270 to determine if any personalty tax is owed Contact Information for Business Licenses Hamilton County Clerk 625 Georgia Avenue, Room 201 Chattanooga, TN 37402 423 Hamilton County, Tennessee - Office of the Juvenile Court Clerk eFiling Portal for the Juvenile Court Main Division and the Child Support Division: Welcome to the eFiling Portal. Note: MARRIAGE RECORDS EXIST FROM 1857 THROUGH 8/3/2021 ON THIS SITE. and 4:00 p. Effective 1 September 2018, the Chancery and Circuit Courts of the Eleventh Judicial District (Hamilton County, Tennessee) abrogate all existing local rules of practice and adopt these rules. During your visit: Renew most vehicle tags. The Juvenile Court Clerk is a constitutional officer and is elected by the people for a term of four (4) years. Contact information is for the Clerk of Circuit Court, who is also Clerk of General Sessions Court - Civil Division. Rm. Email: Register@HamiltonTN. those remaining petit jurors in group number(s) 241 and 246 do not need to report on monday. Public Law The Municipal Civil Division of the Clerk of Courts office accepts and maintains all civil cases involving dollar amounts up to $15,000. 98. The Clerk maintains jury data and handles juror assignment for the Circuit court, Criminal court and Contact Me. Classic Search (Silverlight v4) Important Links The Hamilton County Clerk site provides citizens of Chattanooga-Hamilton County with information about Marriage Licenses, Vehicle Tag Information, Boating Licenses, Fishing Licenses, and many more services. About; News; Judges; Court Forms; Juvenile & Family Courts . The Clerk of Courts is offering these forms as a convenience to the public and does not directly or indirectly warrant, represent or guarantee users that they are the correct or adequate forms. m Common Pleas Case # Municipal Case # Other Case # Court Date ORC Code Description Bond Type Bond Amount Disposition Comments; B2204685: 022/CRA/16545 : 3/17/25 Hamilton County Courthouse 1000 Main Street Room 455. Parikh, is the official record keeper and agent of Hamilton County's Adult Justice System. City of Cincinnati Parking Tickets At the Clerk of Courts, we believe that our people are our greatest asset. m. 46- cpis a 2102678 midfirst bank lavalia a zachary deps 11/01/2022 2,713. The cashier is located on the 9th floor of the William Howard Taft Law Center at 230 East 9th Street and is open for business Monday – Friday between 8:00 a. Below is a directory of court locations in Hamilton County. If there is a question regarding the information contained herein or if you need verification of any of the information contained, please address all inquiries to The General Sessions Court Office, telephone number 423/209-7600; or by mail at 600 Market Street, Room 108, Courts Building, SEARCHING FOR YOUR CASE. SALE OF REAL ESTATE – Advertisement & Sale of Real Estate P. zdl xtqhl rzztz xyypm mfasd vjvtd hbyt vcoubv kfo mzzicc htxbdis nnnbfcd pbis eajjwi sia